This CWT is about fallacies. Some questions are easy for me, but I couldn't get a high score. That's because I may understand each category of fallacy individually. However, it is difficult to distinguish fallacies. For example, distinction between "sweeping generalization" and "hasty generalization" is hard for me. So, I have to have a deeply understanding of fallacies.
I was also confused about deduction and induction. These are opposite words and I forgot which is the answer for the question. I learn to distinguish them now.:)
Various Fallacies.
In the last class, I read "FALLACIES". I was surprised to see "FALLACIES" because mistakes I made many times can be categorized into some sorts. "Bandwagon" is the mistake I frequently use. I bear in mind that in one paragraph, each sentence has each role and there is no useless sentence. Next time when I write something, I have to be careful of the structure of the paragraph. I want to write coherence essay.
Against Racism!
This video shows how to confront this discrimination. Rab talked about Dani Alves who is a soccer player. When thrown a banana to him, he ate it and continue to play soccer nevertheless this banana meant racial discrimination. He fought against discrimination without violence. I respect his action. However, as yet, racial discrimination has continued in some parts of the world. What can we do to abolish this discrimination? Now, there are many foreigners who are different races from us even in Japan. All we have to do is welcome them warmly!
Let's go to the foreign countries!
If you had an unlimited plane ticket for a month, what would you do with it!? Have you ever been to other countries? To tell you the truth, no I haven't. I want to go to some countries as soon as possible. I'm going to tell you one of my plans.
By using unlimited plane ticket for a month, I want to experience various lives which is different from Japanese ones. The daily lives are different from country to country. In order to know the foreigners' way of thinking, living with them are important method. Through these experiences I want to be a person who can connect a country and a country.

What I learned for the day in class as part of your blog write-ups
Catchy titles are very important! We tend to decide the name of the title easily, however, we should think about it very carefully. In most cases, a title attract us!

What I learned for the day in class as part of your blog write-ups
Catchy titles are very important! We tend to decide the name of the title easily, however, we should think about it very carefully. In most cases, a title attract us!
What is "netiquette"?
The word netiquette is composed of network and etiquette. As we can understand these two words, netiquette means the rules on the Internet. However, when we use the Internet, we must observe some rules. Firstly, we must not put any private information on it. Because every person can watch on it, so that is dangerous. Next, we should not tell anyone bad words. We can't know the person to whom we talk, so be careful to pick up some words! If you can observe these rules, you can use the Internet happily.
Is imprisonment a necessary system for dealing with all criminal acts!?
Now, there are many people who commit crimes and I think the importance of imprisonment has increased. If we release many criminals without imprisonment, more and more offenses occurs and it is very difficult to maintain peace. Imprisonment is a very important facility because criminals must repent committing crimes there in order to prevent the second offense. How long should criminals stay there!? It depends on how the offenses are. Prison is not a good place for us, however for criminals, it may be a good place to live in. For example, a person killed someone and he or she go to the prison. No matter how sorry he or she is about it, the society condemns his or her mistake for a long time. So, he or she had better stay there and reform oneself. I actually don't know how the prison is, however I know that it makes our life better. There are many crimes such as murder, theft, fraud... I wish no crimes occur. If so, prison is not necessary for us. However, many crimes seem to occur, so I think imprisonment is a necessary system for all criminal acts.
Very interesting lecture of Dr. Pawl Wadden!
The lecture of Dr. Pawl Wadden let me think about the university. In the lecture, he told us that in Japan, it is difficult to enter the university and easy to graduate. On the other hand, in the U.S, it is easy to enter, however very hard to graduate. These differences are very interesting!
Japanese university students often play with their friends and don't study enough because they can easily graduate from college, just like elevators. Compare to Japanese college students, the college students in the U.S study very hard so as to graduate. Maybe that's the one of the reasons why American students are smarter than Japanese ones. So, I propose that the Japanese university should give students much homework and make the norm for the graduation more strict.
Now, Japanese educational system has to be changed. I think by comparing Japanese colleges with American ones, Dr. Pawl Wadden implied that we must study harder for being better students than the other countries students.
Japanese university students often play with their friends and don't study enough because they can easily graduate from college, just like elevators. Compare to Japanese college students, the college students in the U.S study very hard so as to graduate. Maybe that's the one of the reasons why American students are smarter than Japanese ones. So, I propose that the Japanese university should give students much homework and make the norm for the graduation more strict.
Now, Japanese educational system has to be changed. I think by comparing Japanese colleges with American ones, Dr. Pawl Wadden implied that we must study harder for being better students than the other countries students.
I'm going to talk about "Easy come, easy go."The reason why I chose this proverb is that, firstly, I know the song, "Easy come, east go" written by B'Z. I listened to this song when I was worried about human relationship, study, and other things in my school life. The song cheered me very much!
Secondly, when I was a junior high school student, I was selected to a school life chair person of the school. Before assembly, I was very nervous because I had to make a speech to all the school students, about 600 people.As the time was approaching, my heart was beating fast, then my teacher said to me, "Easy come, easy go! Don't be afraid to make mistakes! You had better to be rather relaxed than nervous."
Indeed this proverb is very short, however, in my opinion, it says that no matter how difficult problem you are faced with, you should relax and deal with it.
I like this proverb the best, and I'll do my best keeping this proverb in mind.
Secondly, when I was a junior high school student, I was selected to a school life chair person of the school. Before assembly, I was very nervous because I had to make a speech to all the school students, about 600 people.As the time was approaching, my heart was beating fast, then my teacher said to me, "Easy come, easy go! Don't be afraid to make mistakes! You had better to be rather relaxed than nervous."
Indeed this proverb is very short, however, in my opinion, it says that no matter how difficult problem you are faced with, you should relax and deal with it.
I like this proverb the best, and I'll do my best keeping this proverb in mind.
What is the perfect vacation!?
- I can sleep a lot and feel very good.
- It's a very sunny day and birds are singing.
- I have a lot of things to do such as playing with my friends, doing club activity and so on.
- I like vacation in summer the best because I was born in August and like to go to the sea.
- I feel so good when I take a bath.
- I have a sense of fulfillment after the day.
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